Casadei Sandro
Casadei Sandro
Biography of Sandro Casadei

The technical studies I have done got me to have many experiences in civil and industrial buildings and railways for at least forty years.
After working a few years as apprentice for an engineering company in Rome , I went to work in Iran where I lived four years working with an Italian consulting engineers for roads and bridges projects.
Unfortunately because the revolution I came back home in 1979.
After this experiences in Iran I have been envolved in the planning and construction of the Sheraton hotel in Baghdad , Iraq.
The original project of the Sheraton was made by an American company , for this reason I have been in Boston four times for the American Company approval of the changes we have done to the original project and drawings.
At least I have worked with the Italian Railways Company for 26 years.
Now I am retired and I have more free time to do my best in painting.
I am self-taught-painter but I try to put on canvas the feelings of peace and serenity that only a beautiful landscape can inspire .
I paint oil on canvas and paper and I have a great passion for woods.
he subjects I like most are landscapes , but the great passion I have for the sea brings me to paint cliffs and seascapes .
Group and solo exhibition
11/9/2011 Group exhibition in Albano Laziale (Rome)
25/9/2011 Group exhibition in Albano Laziale (Rome)
16 – 30 Giugno 2012 Solo exhibition in Bracciano (Rome)
19/7/2012-10/9/2012 Group exhibition with Tornatora Art Gallery of Rome.
20/10/2012 Nobel Prize of Arts 2012 in Montecarlo, Winner of Nobel prize 2012.
24/11/2012-30/01/2013 1° Prize Bohemia 2012 in Riccione , “Light and Colors of the sea” , winner 1° prize.
05-17/12/2012 Group exhibition “Art shopping for Christmas 2012” In Domus Talenti Art Gallery of Rome.
20-30/03/2013 Group exhibition EmozionArti alla Domus in Art Gallery Domus Talenti of Rome.
12-23/06/2013 Group exhibition Danza con l’Arte alla Domus in Art Gallery Domus Talenti of Rome.
29/06/2013 Premiato al Trofeo Artista dell’Anno 2013 a Cesenatico.
24/09/2013 Group exhibition incantARTI alla Domus , in Art Gallery Domus Talenti of Rome.
05/11/2013 Group exhibition Colorissimamente alla Domus, in Art Gallery Domus Talenti of Rome.
11/12/2013 Group exhibition Art Shopping for Christmas , in Art Gallery Domus Talenti of Rome.
05/07/2014 Group exhibition Barcelona Ada ARTprize in Art Gallery Ada di Barcelona (Spain).
05/02/2016 Group exhibition Artexpo February Rome in Art Gallery Domus Romana of Rome.
19/9/2016 Group exhibition in Art Gallery “Il laboratorio “ la Grande Bellezza , a Rome.
05/11/2016 Group exhibition Artexpo Autumn in Rome in Art Gallery Domus Romana of Rome.
06/01/2017 Group exhibition Artexpo Winter Rome , in Art Gallery Domus Romana of Rome.
02/06/2017 Group exhibition Artexpo Summer Rome , in Art Gallery Domus Romana of Rome.
Contact the Artist Sandro Casadei
You can send Sandro Casadei a message using the contact form