Barsciglie' Giuseppe
Barsciglie' Giuseppe
Biography of Giuseppe Barsciglie'

Born in Torre del Greco on 05/05/1951
He lived in Sorrento(near Naples)since 1951
He have three qualifications to teaching in schools of order and superior degree.
He has undertaken the scholastic career from 1972/1973 to today.
In possession of following titles:
• diploma of degree in Painting in the Academy of Naples -1973
• diploma of Architecture (graduation thesis on urban furnishings project) 110/110- 1979 Rome
• qualification to the teaching of advertising graphics and photography -1974
• qualification to the teaching of ornamental plastic disciplines - 1979
• qualification to the teaching of pictorial disciplines – 2002
Offices done:
• Start to practice the arts of the plastic techniques in the fusions and new technical of the art contemporary. in Padova and Turin on 1970
• He teaches with contemporary sculptors - fusion of the metals - for you furnish industrial in Turin during 1971
• Teacher from young (to today's day) works pictorial plastics with use of oils, plasters, hill and chemical fusions, with the greatest exponents of the pictorial plastic period, creating a particular artistic tide (studies from Butters to Picasso)
• He is present in the classifications of worth to Headmaster entrusted of Institutes of Superior Education since 1990
• He is present in the managerial scholasticisms classifications in Tuscany
• He is present in the classifications of technical management for the Services (secondary schools - sector sciences of the communications) to the Office of Lazio
Contact the Artist Giuseppe Barsciglie'
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